Live Streaming has become an integral part of every content creator’s life. Since the popularity of live streaming knows no bounds, the money you receive after doing the same is worth talking about. Did you know that Live Streamers on Uplive generate lakhs of rupees per month and the platform sends out a regular income every month to its top content creators without fail? Also, fans do send their online support to their preferred live streamers via virtual gifts and likes. The influencers on the platform Uplive earn around $200 – $1800 every month on average through regular live streams. No, we are not saying that, it’s the data published by a reputed organization, Ground Report telling this fact.

There are so many success stories that establish the fact that there is hope in live streaming and you can make money off your live streams if you provide the audience with what they want and cherish. In this blog, Zifilink will tell you how you can monetize your live streams to earn a good amount of money. So, if you are interested to learn more then go ahead to read further.

Run Ads
This is by far the easiest and preferred way to earn money from your live streams. Almost, all top live streamers play ads on their videos to make a few bucks. Viewers are more than happy to get ads before or during the live videos rather than pay for the same content. You can opt for pre-roll, mid-roll, and overlay video ads. If you don’t know what these are, allow us to explain a bit. Pre-roll ads play automatically before online videos (as seen on YouTube) and are usually 15 or 30 seconds in duration. Mid-roll ads are played in the middle of video content and run for 12 seconds at a minimum. The final one, the overlay ad, is a small banner-like ad that’s placed at the bottom of a video’s screen. It is placed in such a way that it does not block the user’s view and streaming experience.

Allow Donations or Tips
Let your audience reward your hard work through donations and tips. If you are a good content creator then people would definitely like to support you in monetary terms so that they can see more of your content in the future. You can share the necessary payment information with the people by mentioning the same in the description box of your live streams. You can also use third-party apps like Patreon to get ultimate support from your national as well as international viewers.

Consider Sponsorships
Sponsorships will allow you to stay afloat in the business of live streaming. Partnerships, also best known as Sponsorships can become an excellent way for you to make money from your live video sessions. Find the right sponsors who would fund your live streaming sessions in exchange for a simple mention in your live videos.

Enable PPW method
Pay-Per-View or PPW method works on the principle of buying a ticket for your favorite show. Just as people buy tickets for their choicest concerts and movies, the same way they can buy tickets to watch their preferred content creators’ stream. Under this method, viewers simply need to pay an entry fee to watch your stream.

Hide your Content behind a paywall
This is similar to the above point we have mentioned in this blog. You can easily hide your premium content behind a paywall so that there’s a buzz among the ones who have liked your free content to explore the paid one.

Sell your own products online
If you have your own channel on various live streaming platforms then it is easier for you to sell your branded products. Your products could either be digital, like courses, or in the form of merchandise, like t-shirts, coffee mugs, perfumes, cosmetics, and so on.

Opt for Affiliate Marketing
Becoming an affiliate for a brand or brands is another way to monetize your live streams. With an affiliate program, you can earn commission every time a user clicks on your affiliate link and shops. You can even share your promo or coupon code provided by the affiliate program with your viewers when they shop at the place you’re promoting so that you can earn commissions.

Be Unique
Yes, another thing that can help you earn good money via your live streams is to produce content that is unique and interesting. You should make content by keeping your target audience in mind if you wish to get maximum support from your viewers.

Become a regular Live Streamer
If you have the desire to earn money from your live streaming sessions then you have to be as regular as you can or else people and brands will become disinterested and might take away your chance to make money off your live streams.

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