Internet speeds around the home have been made quicker with cable, fibre, and 5G now penetrating all the houses. There is a sheer demand in today’s homes with the increasing numbers of broadband bonding devices connected and used.

As we all know nowadays every house needs more bandwidth to use Netflix, Disney+, and other streaming TV options, video calls on Zoom, laptops, smartphones and tablet Wi-Fi, video gaming, smart-home devices, voice assistants like Google Play, Alexa, and more.

Living with a big family or using the internet with a group of people, the network speed is going to fade off quickly. Also, if the buffering message or movies take forever to download, there is a speed or bandwidth problem.

With today’s need of the hour and the work from home trending, we all need to speed up our home networks.

Here are a few ways to optimize internet speed at home:

Disconnect unnecessary or unwanted devices

With the increase of users in every house use of Wi-Fi connections has increased drastically. Many broadband bonding device are now connected at the same time with high usage. For instance, a laptop or computer will be necessary for work, but others such as tablets, gaming consoles, Wi-Fi TVs, or even phones can get unlinked from the Wi-Fi when not in use. With new updates where automated downloads are running in the background, taking up valuable bandwidth. Just a suggestion only the essential devices should be connected to the internet bonding router, with higher the number of devices connected, the slower the connection is.

Upgrade router

With advancing technology daily an internet bonding router used a few years ago will not be the best or fastest one now, with added more devices to your home. If you’ve switched to a fiber optic connection or find that despite a high-speed internet plan your connection is still running slow, you likely need a new router. Internet service providers have the latest Wi-Fi routers that are compatible with high-speed internet plans.

Change your frequency channel

One can choose which band to use from the different channels option available. Most routers automatically choose it, but one can surely change it if necessary. Frequency channels may sometimes get crowded with you and your neighbours all on the same frequency band, making the speed extremely slow. To change the Wi-Fi to the best channel, log onto the router’s online interface.

Subscribe to a high-speed internet connection

At times, the current Wi-Fi plan does not always provide the high internet speed that the house requires. Do you want to know some tips and tricks? Disconnecting the broadband bonding devices and placing the router closer to the location may work better. If this doesn’t help there are chances one needs to upgrade the internet plan to one that provides a faster network connection.

Use a fibre optic technology/ GPON connection

These days, the fastest internet connections use GPON and fiber optic technology. GPON connections can cover larger distances and transmit networks faster than the standard copper wire connections. With a fibre optic connection, downloading a movie within seconds is possible as compared to earlier it would take several minutes to get the cable connection.
Upgrade your security

Use the best security practices for network settings to ensure there aren’t people from outside your home connecting to your network and slowing down your speed. Make sure your Wi-Fi is always password protected and that the router has a very good network firewall.

Move the router to a better location

Wi-Fi can travel distances but its signals can get break or get blocked by walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, appliances, in short any large physical object. These signals can also break through by radio waves from various devices, such as cordless phones, baby monitors, microwaves, and Bluetooth speakers.
Placing the router at an edge of the house may cause issues with Wi-Fi at the other end. The best and perfect place for the router is in a central and elevated higher location, close to where the use of internet is high. Never relegate the router to a basement or closet that will surely cause connectivity issues.

Angle one Wi-Fi antenna upwards and one in the side direction

Wi-Fi signals spread out perpendicular to the broadband bonding device, but Wi-Fi signals always weaken when it is travelling through walls at different angles. Not necessary all Wi-Fi routers have antennas, like an all-in-one modem and router gateways. So if the internet router does have antennas, angling them perfectly will help the Wi-Fi signal to travel straight through walls and maintain signal strength.

Improve your Wi-Fi signal by vertically angling one antenna so the Wi-Fi signals can travel directly from side to side between walls. And angle the other antenna horizontal so Wi-Fi signals can pass directly upward and downward through the ceiling to other floors.

Add an internet extender

A Wi-Fi extender works just like a Wi-Fi repeater to increase the internet signal to other areas of the house. The best advantage is the extenders are limited to the bandwidth than Wi-Fi repeaters, and they provide connected broadband bonding device with a strong internet connection. A power line Ethernet kit uses a wired link to the router providing Wi-Fi signals to all the other devices in the house. Actually it doesn’t always use extra Wi-Fi bandwidth to communicate.

A power line Ethernet kit is actually a perfect way to increase internet speed for basement gaming equipment or devices in a garage area. As it requires wiring mostly, it’s not the best internet boosting solution for everyone.

As an increased number of people are working from home right now, the average number of devices connected to the home Wi-Fi has grown drastically. This can lead to slower internet speeds, which can cause garbled phone calls, and large files taking hours together to download. It is necessary to know ways to optimize the internet speed at home for an easy and ideal network experience.