Zifilink Helps Tamil Nadu Police
Tamil Nadu Police use Zifilink to provide high speed internet connectivity to their patrol vans. These vehicles, have built in cameras that stream live video to control room using internet provided by Zifilink
Tamil Nadu Police has collaborated with Zifilink to provide high-speed internet connection to its patrolling vans.
With a far-sighted purpose, Tamil Nadu Police had incorporated live cams in patrolling vans to send quick and primary data updates to control rooms about any ongoing situation, as and when they unfold, without any unnecessary delay. Initially, the police department had been facing issues related to livestream and consequently, accurate data recording. For a civil service that is primarily reliant on fast updates and comprehensive insights into any given situation, the aforementioned challenges were proving to be a major concern.
This is when Zifilink proudly served the police department with an internet bonding device that is designed to deliver a consistently high-speed internet connection and stability 24/7, even in remote locations and bad weather conditions. The device would allow the patrolling vans to send live video updates with seamless online livestream with negligible delays.
With these upgrades, now the police officers will be much more adequate in their decision making. They would be more aware of the situation before they arrive at the scene; hence they would remain prepared for any precedence. This is of paramount importance in civil service.
Security surveillance has emerged as an indispensable need in today’s world. Monitoring can now be offered as a service that is managed remotely. It helps in relieving valuable capital and human resources that no longer need to be on-site to monitor.
Tamil Nadu Police faced issues with live streaming. Their patrol vans, which had inbuilt cameras, were tasked with sending live updates on any situation to the control rooms, via livestream. However, poor internet speeds, bad network connections in remote areas, and bad weather conditions always posed major challenges that were significantly affecting the civil service.
With Zifilink’s internet bonding device, delays, buffers, and unsatisfactory internet connection never come in the way of the police department’s everyday patrolling. The camera in the vehicle provides access to real-time video streaming. It helps the control room to make quick and firm decisions. This real-time video streaming enhances the efficiency of communication, thereby avoiding frequent queries and confusions.